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[The Adventures of Terry Tattle at Foggy Pond]

A great choice for story time!

Book One of the exciting and fun adventure series.
Terry and his trusty side kick Pepper set off in search of Terry's dad. They encounter many secrets in the enchanted forest and a thriving community on the edge of Foggy Pond. What will they learn and where will their journey take them next? Hit the orange  button above to find out.

Explore the books in this series

The Adventures of Terry Tattle is a fantastic children's book! The animations were bright and colourful. The characters and story line will keep your little ones engaged throughout. Highly recommend!

Charlene Mclaughlin

Children's mental health professional & busy mum of two spirited boys

Terry meets Freddie

Terry makes a new friend!

Freddie Foggarty of Foggy Pond. Pleased to meet you Freddie. I'm pleased to meet you Terry. You will love Foggy Pond and all the creatures that live there.

A Look Inside Book One
[The Adventures Of Terry Tattle At  Foggy Pond]

  • The characters

  • The plot

  • inspiration

  • Story video reel

The Characters

  • Terry is an adventuring young boy who loves the outdoors and exploring in nature. He loves to discover and learn new things. He is inquisitive, courageous and has an unbounded imagination and optimism. 
  •  Pepper is Terry's trusty sidekick. He's a mischievous red squirrel. Highly intelligent, brave and eager to help Terry at every turn no matter where their adventures lead them! 
  • Freddie is a talking frog with oily green skin and a big personality. He's a native of the enchanted forest and is thrilled to make the acquaintance of Terry and Pepper. Quickly he becomes fast friends with them both.

Hi, I'm [Angela Moore]. It's great to see you!

I'm the founder of Illuminated Mind Press and author of the Terry Tattle adventure series. I established the business in 2024. It's been a life long dream of mine to produce, share and celebrate uplifting, inspiring and positive works that in some small way bring a little more light to world. So come on a journey with me as we adventure together to discover new horizons!

the adventures of terry tattle at boggy wood

Morning mist curled across the surface of Foggy Pond. The Weasel Bugs and Cricket Lugs gathered curiously around Terry as he prepared to leave. Pepper, excited about the next stage of their journey, paced back and forth.

The Adventures of terry tattle at Boggy Wood

Morning mist curled across the surface of Foggy Pond. The Weasel Bugs and Cricket Lugs gathered curiously around Terry as he prepared to leave. Pepper, excited about the next stage of their journey, paced back and forth.

The Adventures of terry tattle at Boggy Wood

Morning mist curled across the surface of Foggy Pond. The Weasel Bugs and Cricket Lugs gathered curiously around Terry as he prepared to leave. Pepper, excited about the next stage of their journey, paced back and forth.


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